
Environmental sample testing (air, water, soil, noise, hazardous waste, civil material)

  1.  Rainwater harvesting studies & performance testing
  2. Testing for building material, water and soil, metals and non-metals, pesticides and microbiological samples analysis
  3.   Performance & Efficiency Studies for ETP, STP and ZDS (Pre and Post commissioning project)

Operation and maintenance for (ETP, STP, RO, UF, GREEN BELT, GARDENS & LABORATORIES)

  1. Treatment of Industrial Effluents by Advanced Technology
  2. Treatment of Sewage Wastewater by Green & Sustainable Technology
  3. Specialized Advanced Tertiary treatments like UF, RO, AOP and Ozone
  4. Zero Liquid Discharge Setup for various Industries & Townships

Fly ash management & utilisation as MoEF

The unutilized fly ash in relation to the target during a year, if any shall be utilized within next two years in addition to the targets stipulated for these years and the balance unutilized fly ash accumulated over the first four years shall be utilized progressively over the next five years in addition to 100% utilization of concurrent generation of fly ash.

However, fixation of any specific target and success on fulfillment thereof presupposes the establishment and creation of a platform where both suppliers and takers would feel lucrative and be benefitted.

EMP for waste water utilisation

The EMP is the document that provides a description of the methods and procedures for mitigating and monitoring impacts. The EMP also contains environmental objectives and targets which the project proponent or developer needs to achieve in order to reduce or eliminate negative impacts.

Designers of wastewater treatment works are responsible for the understanding and implementation of all relevant legislation regarding the planning, design, construction and operation of wastewater treatment works according to the Internal Guideline

Environmental Due Diligence Audits:

Environmental due diligence audits help clients to identify potential environmental liabilities prior to undertaking or assuming certain responsibilities or obligations. It enables companies to assess the impact of their organization on the environment and to check mandatory environmental standards and voluntary requirements.

Green belt development specific to industry

Greenbelt is the selection and plantation of a species or groups of species of trees and shrubs to reduce the effect of a source of pollutant. The most efficient greenbelt development not only abates pollution. The objective of Green belt varies from country to country and region to region. The common objectives are to protect natural environments such as biodiversity, etc, to improve air quality of the region, pollution control, to maintain micro climate of the region

Environmental, HSE, and safety trainings & awareness

We conduct various programs to train employees in environment, health and safety in handling of chemicals, electrical, mechanical and civil operations/ project

Technical studies, liaison for permits & clearances

Environmental modeling (water, air and noise)

Air and Noise models are based on sophisticated simulation methods and powerful computer programs that capture how catastrophes both natural and man-made—behave and impact the built environment.

Modelling engineers combine simulations of the natural occurrence patterns and characteristics of anthropogenic releases, with information on property values, construction types, and occupancy classes. Model output provides information concerning the potential for large losses before they occur so companies can prepare for their Contamination due leakages or spills groundwater /soil is contaminated which could be remediated by systematic risk assessment through GW mapping and modelling for its extent of contaminations across the project area to delineate the remediation,

Sustainable environmental related material design & supply

Beginner’s course


Case Studies

Model Development

Model Calibration

Advanced course

We are excited to present you with our latest offer in the area of groundwater modeling. The 5 hours course is intended for advanced modelers and include following topics, each lasting about 1 hours. By Expert across Globe viz., Russian & American Subject Specialists

ARC-GIS course

Here some more info about GIS course:

Remote Sensing Courses

Introduction to remote sensing and application of satellite imageries in engineering work.

After this course participants will understand theory behind remote sensing and its practical application in geology, hydrogeology, agriculture, forestry. Every lecture is covered with video material which is sent to attendees. Also, a lot of additional material in form of pdf’s is given to attendees

1st lecture, duration 1 hour

2nd lecture, duration 1 hour

3rd lecture, duration 1 hour

4th lecture, duration 1 hour

5th lecture, duration 1 hour